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How does manipulation lead to love and escape?

Toby Dorr talks about her path from dog program volunteer to helping convicted murderer John Manard escape from a Lansing, Kansas prison

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Toby Dorr discusses what led to her helping convicted murderer John Manard escape.

In this episode of The Prison Officer Podcast, I speak with Toby Dorr about her path from dog program volunteer, to helping convicted murderer John Manard escape from a Lansing, Kansas prison in 2006, which finally landed her in prison herself for 27 months.

We talk about the classic manipulation techniques John Manard used to get close to Toby, the culture that allowed it and the security procedures staff ignored that would have prevented it.

NEXT: How inmates manipulate correctional officers (and what can be done to stop it)

Host of The Prison Officer Podcast, Mike Cantrell has been in corrections for over 28 years. He has recently retired from the Federal Bureau of Prisons as the Chief of the Office of Emergency Preparedness. He is a firearms, less lethal, breaching and disturbance control instructor and has led special response, disturbance control and canine teams over his career.

He is a correctional consultant specializing in the use of force and physical security. He is a writer, content creator and speaker on leadership and crisis management.