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Corrections1 Career Resources

Corrections1 Career Resources is designed to support the professional growth of correctional staff. This directory offers articles and tools focused on career development, job opportunities, and advancement within the correctional system. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skills, explore new roles, or stay updated on industry trends, these resources provide the guidance needed to navigate your career path. For further assistance, explore our section on Corrections Officer Training.

Easy-to-use strategies for COs to manage job stress, stop bringing work home, process trauma and transition into civilian life
Corrections is a demanding career, but officers can maintain wellness with the right strategies; learn how to manage stress and avoid burnout
After 14 years working day shift, a correctional officer details what it takes to survive the night shift
At MCON 2024, veterans shared their experiences transitioning from military service to roles in law enforcement, corrections, EMS and firefighting
Some first responders take the unique experience of serving the public into the political arena
Learn how one officer rediscovered her identity and found a new purpose after an injury forced her into early retirement in her 30s
From staying active to finding purpose, these tried-and-true strategies will help you navigate and enjoy life after retirement
Retired firefighters, EMS providers and police officers may reduce their taxable earnings by up to $3,000 for medical insurance premiums paid during a calendar year
Here are some top leadership traits that will carry us far in our profession
Today, most agencies have reduced or eliminated pensions; that means it’s on you to financially plan for retirement
Preparing for the future is an ongoing process that begins the first day on the job
If you want to survive in this world, you have to know your vulnerabilities and you have to be willing to listen to others who have walked the walk before you
Paul Valentino wanted to be a third-generation law enforcement officer, and fortunately, his first stop along the way was a supermax prison
Families can offer the essential support and understanding needed to navigate this challenging profession, but only if you let them
COs, for their own safety and success, need to understand the difference between apathy, sympathy and empathy
Say what you want about millennials, but they have healthy attitudes toward work-life balance in public safety; we should follow their lead
Here are seven strategies to pay down debt and live within your means
Understanding and applying effective interaction techniques in the modern correctional environment
The Williamson County Sheriff’s Office in Texas has overcome the recruiting crisis by expediting the hiring process, implementing competitive pay, offering innovative training and updating existing wellness programs
Two Delaware Department of Corrections and Parole Officers visited the students to explain training requirements and career opportunities
In this excerpt, the author discusses whether rookie officers should begin their career in a minimum unit, or at the highest and most restrictive level of security
The plan includes $5K retention and signing bonuses for personnel in the jail that has 14 of its 36 positions vacant
Corrections can be a rewarding career. You will never stop learning and every day is different
Lieutenant (Ret.) Gary Cornelius discusses steps you can take to maintain officer morale while providing quality supervision of inmates and enhancing the careers of staff.
Wildland firefighter inmates learn marketable job skills while earning minimum wage