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The Corrections1 columnist roster features subject matter experts addressing topics including correctional leadership, facility management, corrections officer training, correctional healthcare, corrections grant funding and community corrections.

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Increase the rate at which you burn calories and build muscle by adding weight to your workouts
No one loves to vacuum, but these options will make this traditional task a whole lot easier to bear
From size and layout, to material and weather compatibility: discover the ideal tent for your family’s camping trip
Explore budget-friendly exercise equipment that fits in your home or on the go, perfect for first responders
Cushion your floor exercises or yoga poses for anywhere, anytime fitness
Whether a new or experienced hiker, there are countless great options to keep your feet safe and secure
A dedicated home gym is convenient, eliminates excuses and allows you to workout on your schedule
Air purifiers can capture tiny airborne pollutants like dust mites, pet dander and pollens that are known to trigger sinus and breathing issues
Massage guns offer a cheaper, more convenient option to a massage therapist