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Corrections1 Columnists
& Contributors

The Corrections1 columnist roster features subject matter experts addressing topics including correctional leadership, facility management, corrections officer training, correctional healthcare, corrections grant funding and community corrections.

To submit articles, follow the steps outlined in our author guidelines.

Toxic leadership and unethical practices create a ripple effect of stress and chaos in correctional facilities — learn how to build a culture of integrity
Motivated instructors are the backbone of effective training in criminal justice, but internal criticism — or “professional hate” — can undermine their efforts and the profession’s growth
Healthy, portable, delicious choices for quick fueling
After 14 years working day shift, a correctional officer details what it takes to survive the night shift
Correctional personnel face a unique challenge — supporting inmates without crossing professional boundaries. Here’s how to do it right
The mental discipline developed through chess can help officers remain calm and composed in high-stress situations
For first responders, mocktails offer a way to join in the festivities while staying sharp and ready for any call
We know what great leadership looks like — so why aren’t more leaders putting these actions into practice?
It’s not just about strength or stamina; it’s about grit, mental toughness, and using your body in new ways