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Quick training: Ethics and professionalism

Editor’s note: This series of articles is intended to be used as quick topic discussions at the beginning of any meeting. They are meant to create discussion among your teams and to get your officers thinking on their feet about training topics, in order to encourage learning and training.

Who taught you?

- Right from wrong
- Courage
- Compassion
- Character

Childhood lessons from your father, mother or coach?

Just because we have you sign a piece of paper labeled ‘ethics’ doesn’t change your inner compass. You still believe all the same things that you have for your entire life. The ‘ethics’ document is about setting our expectations up in a way you can know them and modify your internal compass of right and wrong to meet those expectations and further your continued employment.

That said, you are a supervisor of people:

Consistent: your actions must match your words.

Be the behavior model: For other deputies and then for detainees

Be the appearance model: For Deputies and then detainees

Demonstrate the respect you have for yourself with your appearance, words that come out of your mouth, behavior and actions.

Good things will come your way.

Sergeant West is a training coordinator and senior level instructor for the Benton County Sheriff’s Office Detention Division in Bentonville Arkansas, proudly the home of Wal-Mart. He has served our community for 16 years, working all of the small jobs in the department. As people forward servant leader he dedicates each day to creating a “Foundation of Outstanding Deputies” running throughout the entire agency towards the future. He is a graduate of: University of Arkansas B.S. 1998, NJLCA-15, USN and assorted other acronyms.