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Corrections Policies

Policies are the foundation for all operations in corrections. From inmate due process to report writing, policies set expectations, provide guidance, and protect correctional staff and facilities. This section highlights how correctional facility policies play out in the real world, while also connecting you with best practices for drafting, updating and ensuring accountability with policies.

The magnetometers will be employed on a random and spot-check basis at unspecified jail facilities, Sheriff Kelly A. Martinez said
The most effective programs, in my view, are those in which staff members confront the inmates about the problems and behavior that got them locked up
The Baltimore County jail work program’s primary purpose was making money, not offering rehabilitation to the detainees, the judges found
The safety of your personnel, your facility and your inmates depend on these inspections
The court determines if liability falls to jail staff members in a recent case involving an inmate suicide
To prevent the smuggling of contraband into the Baldwin County Jail, inmates are only allowed to have the Bible and the Koran
The court was also highly critical of an alleged unwritten cost-cutting jail policy that caused delays in sending detainees to the hospital when necessary
The ramifications of marijuana legislation on agencies and their hiring processes
Jail policies and classification systems have been largely developed based on the male population
Corrections Training
Corrections Training
Don’t ever rely on the “search incident to arrest” by the arresting or transporting officer
Lack of post-release transport in county’s inmate transfer policy raises concerns
Corrections is an ever-changing industry, and those changes are most obvious when we look at legal trends
To avoid similar instances from happening, UDOC now requires written notifications to jails if there is any change in the release status of an individual
Lack of staff and training impedes policy adherence in the facility, according to 162-page report by federal monitors
Insufficient state funding and a deteriorating 125-year-old facility compound safety challenges for both inmates and staff
Federal authorities seek witness, victim reports of physical assault and employee misconduct at West Virginia correctional complex
A strong relationship between a correctional facility and an ombudsman is critical in the pursuit of excellence
The California state prison system aims to increase the female workforce from 17% to 30% by expanding recruitment efforts
Corrections Training
We must ensure the people who are using the equipment are trained, authorized and certified to do so
Corrections Training
You can learn a lot from phone calls, such as plans for contraband being introduced to your facility or planned assaults on staff or other inmates
Unraveling the impact and proposing solutions for a healthier workplace culture
Until the county gets a bigger jail the sheriff is trying small changes, like serving fresh fruit more often and expanding board game privileges, to keep the peace
According to the report, “in addition to any potential human failures, staffing shortages and pressures, policy deficiencies and ambiguities, and historical internal practices were chief contributing factors”