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Safeguarding our heroes: A holistic approach to first responder safety and wellness

Prioritize first responder safety and wellness with grants to support initiatives for mental health, resilience and physical fitness

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Agencies can get critical funding for comprehensive safety and wellness programs.

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By Adam Hursh

When the call for help goes out, our first responders — firefighters, police and corrections officers, EMS personnel and dispatchers — are the steadfast souls who rush toward trouble without hesitation. While we expect these public safety employees to confront chaos and danger on a daily basis, we must also prioritize their safety and wellness. While many organizations pay lip service to the importance of first responder wellbeing, how many are actually willing to fund it? In this article, we’ll provide insights into this challenge while also highlighting some available grants to bolster programs aimed at first responder safety and wellness.

Overview of first responder safety and wellness

People in first responder professions face many on-the-job demands, including physical, mental and emotional. They must develop the resilience needed to withstand the mental strain of service and the fortitude to bounce back from trauma experienced in the course of their jobs. Whether they’re battling blazes, patrolling streets or responding to medical emergencies, our nation’s first responders encounter stressors that can take a heavy toll on their minds and bodies. In the past, it was common to tell them to “just deal with it.” Today, though, public safety agencies understand how crucial recognizing and addressing these challenges is to fostering first responder wellbeing.

Wellness initiatives are essential for first responders, and forward-thinking departments are building customized programs and strategies to meet the mental and physical health requirements of their employees. Some of these methods include individualized wellness plans incorporating lifestyle adjustments, mental health resources such as peer support and therapy programs, and specialized healthcare regimens. Effective wellness strategies typically encompass medical attention, self-care practices and dependable support systems to address specific health obstacles and personal needs.

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) and peer support initiatives are critical support systems within first responder organizations. These programs provide a safe, nonjudgmental sounding board for first responders to share their burdens, vent their frustrations and receive the guidance necessary to overcome the trauma associated with their duties. By championing these support systems, we help cultivate cultures of openness and resilience. These and similar initiatives also serve to diminish the stigma surrounding seeking assistance for mental health concerns and foster a supportive work environment for all first responders.

Grant opportunities

The good news is, there are many grant opportunities — both on state and federal fronts — to help support first responder wellbeing. These grants are tailor-made to bolster initiatives addressing mental health, physical wellness and emotional resilience across the spectrum of first responder professions.

Some notable grant opportunities include:

National First Responders Fund (NFRF):

  • The NFRF offers training programs at different levels, including peer support and resiliency training, to address first responders’ mental health and resilience needs.
  • This program also provides financial resources for first responder programs and training to address awareness and recovery from work-related post-traumatic stress injuries (PTSI).

Gary Sinise Foundation’s First Responders Outreach:

  • This organization helps support critical funding for emergency relief, training and essential equipment for first responders.
  • In addition, the foundation assists severely wounded first responders by providing mortgage-free homes, home modifications, mobility devices and adapted vehicles to help restore independence.

Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act (LEMHWA):

  • This federal program aims to improve access to mental health services, training, peer support, family resources, suicide prevention and other beneficial practices for wellness programs.

Motorola Solutions Foundation

  • In furthering its mission to empower people during crucial moments, this program supports the public safety community through grants, employee volunteering and other initiatives.
  • As the charitable and philanthropic arm of the Motorola Solutions Foundation, one of the program’s primary goals is to deliver mental wellness, stress management training and scholarship assistance for first responders and their families, including those affected by the loss of a loved one in the line of duty.

These are just some of the grant opportunities available to help support first responder wellness.

Successful programs and initiatives

We’ve seen numerous success stories from first responder wellbeing initiatives, each one making a positive impact in the lives of public safety employees. For instance, the VALOR Officer Safety and Wellness Program is a comprehensive initiative dedicated to law enforcement officer safety and wellness, with the goal of improving law enforcement officers’ safety, wellness and resilience across the U.S. Similarly, initiatives such as the Firefighter Behavioral Health Alliance and the Code Green Campaign focus on addressing the specific mental health challenges firefighters and other public safety employees work through daily.

And let’s not forget the over $50 billion allocated to state and local governments to mitigate the impacts of the opioid epidemic. One of the officially sanctioned uses of resources stemming from the opioid settlement is to strengthen initiatives aimed at supporting first responder wellbeing. These funds are being channeled into various programs designed to combat the ongoing opioid crisis and prioritize the mental and physical health of these essential personnel. Specifically, opioid grand funding is being used to support programs such as:

  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Mental health support services
  • Specialized training for emergency personnel regarding opioid-related challenges
  • Community education initiatives and outreach efforts
  • Provisions for Narcan and other opioid-reversal interventions
  • Reforms in prescribing practices.

These programs underscore the importance of taking a comprehensive approach to supporting the safety and wellness of our first responders. They also demonstrate the efficacy of tailored interventions to promote the wellbeing of underappreciated public safety workers.

Additional resources for first responder agencies

Applying for and receiving grant monies is just the first step in public safety agencies showing their commitment to fostering a culture of care. The next step in the process involves deciding how to allocate those funds (within the uses approved for the programs, of course) so they further departmental goals of supporting employee wellbeing.

Among the various wellness solutions, the Cordico wellness app stands out as a powerful tool endorsed by leaders in the field, providing easy access to a comprehensive array of first responder wellness resources—just a tap away. With resources to boost mental and physical health, nutrition, sleep hygiene and emotional wellness, the Cordico app equips emergency responders with the tools and resources necessary to perform at their peak.

The future of first responder safety and wellness

Across the nation, in large cities and rural communities, first responders provide essential services in times of crisis. We owe these public safety employees a debt of gratitude; one of the best ways to show it is by safeguarding their physical and mental welfare. By acknowledging the unique challenges associated with public safety professions and taking advantage of available grant opportunities, first responder agencies can get critical funding for comprehensive safety and wellness programs.

By creating workplaces where all first responders have the resources they need to address on-the-job trauma and maintain their physical, mental and emotional health, we can help save lives, prolong careers and support first responders and their families. By doing this, we show our appreciation for their sacrifices and make sure they get the care they truly deserve.

About the author
Adam Hursh is a seasoned fire service professional with 23 years of experience. He is currently the deputy fire chief at the Gilt Edge Volunteer Fire Department and a full-time lieutenant with the Piperton Fire Department, both in Southwest Tennessee. Adam holds a Master of Public Administration from Columbia Southern University and is recognized as a Chief Fire Officer by the Center for Public Safety Excellence (CPSE). He is also renowned for securing numerous local and federal grants for his departments and consulting with other fire and EMS agencies on grant submissions.