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Spotlight: Security Equipment Corporation dominates the world of defense sprays

SABRE Crossfire continues to be the leading pepper spray, used by law enforcement and civilians in over 50 countries — but that’s just one of their product lines

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SABRE Crossfire Technology

Company Name: Security Equipment Corporation
Headquarters: Fenton, Missouri
Signature Product: SABRE CROSSFIRE

When was your company founded?
The company name was founded by Larry Nance in 1975.

What was the inspiration behind starting your company?
With a military background, Larry saw an increase in crime and liked the simplicity and practicality of defense sprays. They provide protection at a safe distance, are very effective, inexpensive and legal for police and civilians. He decided to start a company with the desire to become the worldwide leader in the category.

Why do you believe your products are essential to the corrections community?
Every officer deserves reliability, not variability. Pepper spray has been our exclusive focus for 39+ years (Making Grown Men Cry Since 1975!). Our commitment to producing the best OC sprays is second to none and because of this, we are the world’s largest producer of pepper spray.

What has been the biggest challenge your company has faced?
Keeping the large industry with so many agencies updated on factual information regarding pepper sprays and the latest advancements in pepper spray training and product enhancements.

What makes your company unique?
SABRE is a second-generation family-owned business. Larry Nance started the company back in 1975, and now his four children run the company (David, Bob, Aimee and Meaghan).

What do your customers like best about you and your products?
Our customers like that we are family-owned and have great customer service. In addition, SABRE is the leading pepper spray used by law enforcement and civilians worldwide. We are constantly striving to introduce quality products ranging from our duty belt SABRE Crossfire Technology to our SABRE PHANTOM OC, built for extractions, to our SABRE MK-60, the most technologically advanced aerosol crowd management system. Let’s also not forget about our biggest advantage: SABRE is the only company operating an in-house High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Laboratory to eliminate OC failures and injuries that occur due to bad batches!

What is the most rewarding part of serving the first responder community?
Knowing you are helping to keep officers and their families safe.

Do you support any charitable organizations within public safety?
We actually support two phenomenal organizations. Back in 2008 we launched the first-ever pink pepper spray supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). Since 2008, we have achieved Platinum Sponsorship, donating over $600,000 and counting to the NBCF. We also support the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN). Since 2011, we have donated over $25,000 and counting to RAINN via our SABRE Civilian Safety Awareness Program and SABRE College Safety Program.

Is there any fun fact or trivia that you’d like to share with our users about you or your company?
Vatican City is the world’s smallest country at 0.2 square miles. Can you guess what pepper spray the Vatican’s own Swiss Guard uses? That’s right, SABRE! Vatican City is one of 52 different countries whose police forces use SABRE.

What’s next for your company? Any upcoming new projects or initiatives?
We are always working on new projects and technologies. Visit us at to see what’s new!