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UK Firm Seeking U.S. Distribution Partners For Its SlashPRO® Slash Resistant Clothing Brand


UK headquartered PPSS Group announced today it is seeking distribution partners for its highly acclaimed and thoroughly field tested SlashPRO® Slash Resistant Clothing brand in the U.S.

PPSS Group is already successfully supplying homeland security agencies in over 30 countries and has developed an international distribution network, covering Europe, Australasia and the Pacific Rim.

Robert Kaiser, the firm’s CEO and author of several published personal safety related articles said: “We are of course fully aware of the U.S. market size and can see a substantial business opportunity. However, above all we are very keen to help improve the personal safety of homeland security professionals in the U.S.”

“The key function of our slash resistant clothing is to protect key arteries and blood vessels from cuts and lacerations. The potential consequences of such injury could include rapid blood loss, subsequent shock and even loss of life.”

It is a fact that slashing has become a regular occupational hazard for homeland security professionals in recent times. Therefore more and more correctional, law enforcement, border force, immigration, customs and security professionals seem to be looking into this fairly new type of protective clothing.

One of the most comprehensive research surveys of hospital admissions data in recent times concluded, that that 63 % of wounds previously attributed to a ‘stabbing’ injury, were in fact ‘slash’ wounds. This is simply due to the attackers and victims’ motion and fast movements.

According to Robert Kaiser, slash resistant clothing can effectively help reduce the risk of workplace violence related injuries: “We believe that those who serve our countries and protect us, and our infrastructure have the right to be equipped appropriately. In this context we deem SlashPRO® to be appropriate, and in many cases essential.”

A brief video, highlighting the performance of this protective clothing brand can be viewed here:

Please contact PPSS Group directly in case you wish to discuss any potential distribution opportunities.

About PPSS Group:
PPSS Group is specialised in the development, manufacturing and supply of high-performance personal protective equipment, offering unrivalled protection from edged weapons, blunt force trauma and even human bites. PPSS Group’s social media presence: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram.