NEW COLUMNS: Mr. Blauer is now writing for BODYGUARD magazine as well as TACTICAL RESPONSE. Look for his columns in both excellent trade mags.
FT BRAGG, BALLISTIC MICRO FIGHT AND INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT: This was our 5th trip to Ft Bragg this year. We were honored to be invited down to assist with course development (combatives component) at one of the Army’s leading CQB schools. Focus was on our SPEAR Tactic, application of SPEAR Physiology for long gun as well as our Ballistic Micro-Fight process for analyzing scenario development.
ENTRY TEAM & TANDEM TACTICS, MONTANA: SPEAR System Coaches Tony Torres & John Goodman put on a custom course in Montana. Focus was on TANDEM TEAM TACTICS. The course was hosted by the U.S. Marshals and was for the Violent Offenders Task force.
MIAMI IACP: The corporate team was down in Miami at the IACP. Another huge conference for the law enforcement community. Ted Nugent was a special guest at the show, which added another dimension to the great event.
CERTIFICATION COURSE: PERSONAL DEFENSE READINESS (PDR 12): Our 12th consecutive PDR course took place this fall. We had attendees from Canada; all over the USA & as far as Australia attend to gain professional certification in our PDR & SPEAR System Fundamentals program. Congratulations to all the attendees who prepared diligently for the event.
Our team now has close to 100 actives PDR Coaches worldwide. Congratulations and a special thanks to our new coaches and those that returned for additional training.
PDR 12 Roster:
Angela Sundberg
Scott Sinan
Richard Coon
Trevor Wilcox
Derrick Brown
Mike Bayer
Scott Boyce
Jason Dury
Eric Saladino
Mike Anthony
Joe Anastasi
Sean Blair
Joe Skovira
Tom Arcuri
TEACH SELF-DEFENSE: TEACHING CREDENTIALS/AFFILIATE PROGRAM: If you’re interested in gaining certification in our PDR Instructor program, please email Marc for an application
WASHINGTON, DC @ AUSA: We were special guests of ADS (Atlantic Dive Supply) at the AUSA show in DC. ADS is our exclusive rep for GSA contracts for HIGH GEAR and select SPEAR SYSTEM courses.
END-USER PDR CLINIC @ TOM ARCURI’S SCHOOL: We were back in Herkimer New York for our annual weekend seminar at Bailey’s Karate School. We had another big turnout with 40 martial artists and police officers converged on Tom & Dana’s school. If you’d like to attend next year’s session contact them at
LAW ENFORCEMENT (END-USER) SPEAR SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS: Police officers from New England attended an info packed session. A special thanks to Tom Arcuri and the local PD’s for their efforts in promoting the session. Look for more programs like this in 2006 or sponsor one at your PD.
GREEN BAY LEADS THE WAY: SPEAR SYSTEM CERTIFICATION: We were in WI for our annual SPEAR System certification at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC). In the last few years, we have been in Green Bay for our WEAPON Protection, GROUND COMBATIVES, OFFICER SURVIVAL, BALLISTIC MICRO-FIGHT (HIGH GEAR) and several SPEAR System certifications.
NWTC is an affiliate training center and offers in-house programs on SPEAR System end-user courses (taught by adjunct trainers Jeff Engelbrecht & Joe Framke). The NWTC Tac House, run by Bob Willis, is a multi-million dollar facility with all the latest in technology to run advanced safe training, They also stock over 20 HIGH GEAR suits for scenario drills and use our MCR version for their force-on-force SIMUNITION drills. Randy Revling, a well-known & highly respected firearms instructor has already started integrating SPEAR System research into the state firearm program.
SPEAR SYSTEM INSTRUCTOR COURSE - TEXAS: We were back in San Antonio for our annual SPEAR class hosted by AACOG. Officers from California, DC and all over Texas attended the course.
UNITED NATIONS CUSTOM SPEAR SYSTEM TRAINING: We were back at UN headquarters for another training session. This session was attended by local security officers and DT trainers as well as SRT members from Vienna.
PERSONAL DEFENSE READINESS: BASICS & STREET ESSENTIALS: Police officer Eric Saladino (SPEAR & PDR certified) along with Jason Dury, conducted a well-received self-defense program in the Washington DC area this fall. If you would like more info on their next course, please email Jason at:
FT BRAGG SPEAR SYSTEM PRESENTATION: In November we were down at Ft Bragg for a special presentation to members of the SF community. The focus was on the research surrounding the SPEAR System as it relates to Startle-Flinch Conversion as well as our Ballistic Micro-Fight Scenario system. The BMF Model is a unique force-on-force training method that dissects scenarios into key phases and then further dissects the attacks inside the scenario phases. If you’d like to learn more about the BMF process we have several videos on the subject in the PRODUCTS section of our website (*see HIGH GEAR FORCE-ON-FORCE).
SPEAR SYSTEM CERTIFICATION, ONTARIO, CANADA: Congratulations to Andrew Bell, from York Regional Police’s Emergency Response Unit and his team for their excellent promotion of the first Canadian SPEAR System. We’re looking forward to more excellent training in Canada.
CUSTOM CQB - SPEAR SYSTEM SCENARIO-BASED OPERATOR FUNDAMENTALS: Tony Torres and adjunct Joe Skovira were in Ohio for a specialty course attended by Participants included members of the Columbus Narcotics Entry Team, Ohio Highway Patrol, Columbus Defensive Tactics Unit, and local SWAT Teams.
The training focused on the SPEAR System’s unique scientific approach to effectively transitioning from CQB to CQC and tactical applications of the SPEAR System during room entries and tandem tactics.
Utilizing High Gear gave the class an opportunity to run the System’s tactics through the “acid test” of real time / real speed BMF’s evolutions that made all the basic drills come together at the end of Thursday’s and Friday’s sessions.
The SPEAR System’s conversions of the body’s natural responses to the ambush attack into tactical close quarters arsenal enabled the entire class to rapidly engage the threats while maintaining control of the situation.
FT BRAGG SPEAR SYSTEM INSTRUCTOR REVIEW: We were back down for a review session, adjunct Instructor John Goodman was back at Bragg to run the instructor cadre through a SPEAR Tactics review that included: Muzzle strikes, tandem tactics, scenario development (BMF’s), Flex Cuffing.
CRUISE THE STREET THEN TAKE A CRUISE: DT @ SEA: We just returned from a unique training experience…defensive tactics and cruise ship vacation. This concept from Roy Bedard of RRB Systems in Florida is a very interesting training opportunity for anyone in law enforcement. You all know how hard it is to get good training, get quality family time and get some relaxing down-time…well with DT @ Sea you get them all. This training event/cruise is something you should consider as a way to combine all three activities. Mr. Blauer, who is on the road so often, had this to say, “The opportunity to spend time with my family, train and relax is near impossible, DT @ Sea was a great blend, I was excited to be part of it and look forward to the next cruise.” Special guest speaker and guest trainer Tony Blauer take a moment for a photograph. For more info on this contact RRB Systems at:
NEW FOR 2006
DRILLS & SKILLS: SPEAR SYSTEM END-USER COURSES: We will be running 2 to 3 DAY END-USER SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS in 2006. These will be intensive, drill-based courses (non-certification) and open to anyone in law enforcement or military. If you would like top help promote or sponsor one of these courses please contact Tony Torres at
VEGAS BABY!!! JOIN US AT OUR ANNUAL COMBATIVES CAMP: August 11-13 in Wonderful Las Vegas! Email to get more info:
ADVANCED PDR SESSIONS (CERTIFIED INSTRUCTORS ONLY): PDR or SPEAR coaches will be able to attend advanced sessions like our HIGH GEAR Scenario Instructor and WEAPON PROTECTION Instructor.
SAVE $250: Did you know that if you’ve previously attended any one of our law enforcement courses you could attend another LEO course and receive a $250 discount? This is a great opportunity to get re-certified, refreshed or learn new skills.
NEW LOOK FOR OUR WEBSITE: We have a new FLASH driven homepage that will make navigation for those new to our system much simpler. We also have a complete listing of courses on line so be sure to check the site out and let your friends & colleagues know about it.
WASHINGTON, DC REGION, SPEAR SYSTEM STREET APPLICATIONS (Law Enforcement & Military Only) 2-Day End-User training session. TBA: We’re shooting for February/March. Email Marc to get on list
TEES/OLIVE GROUP AND ALAN BROSNAN: Look for several of courses at the new TEES/OLIVE GROUP facility in MS. Alan Brosnan and Tony Blauer have already teamed up in the past for successful CQB courses. With the expansion of TEES, the two recently discussed the integration of the SPEAR System training and workshops. Be sure to check both companies’ websites for more details. Blauer: Brosnan: