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Survey seeks input from COs, facilities on steps taken during COVID-19 outbreak

The One Voice Survey is seeking input on health and safety concerns COVID-19 presents inside prisons and jails

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The survey was launched to capture how COs and facilities are responding to the pandemic.

AP Photo/David Zalubowski

By Sarah Calams

LANSING, Mich. — As the impact of COVID-19 continues to unfold, a survey has been launched to capture how correctional officers and facilities are responding to the pandemic.

The One Voice survey is seeking input from correctional officers and staff about how they’re dealing with the health and safety concerns COVID-19 presents inside prions and jails.

“It’s important that we use our collective voices during this time and to share our concerns and expert knowledge with those who are making decisions that will impact our daily lives,” creators of the survey said.

The survey includes questions related to how correctional officers are feeling during the outbreak, as well as actions or steps their facility has taken to protect staff and inmates.

One Voice is a group of leading labor unions, corrections staff, criminal justice reform leaders, academics and policy makers with the goal of building bridges and advancing a unified approach to better inform the policies, programs and narratives that define criminal justice reform.

Click here to take the survey.