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Autism advocate visits NJDOC as part of mission to enhance law enforcement communication

Advocate Alex Mann, aiming to visit 500 police departments to discuss autism communication, made his first correctional facility visit at stop number 424


Alex Mann, center, with Officer Michael Tirado, Deputy Commissioner Erin Nardelli, Commissioner Victoria L. Kuhn, Esq. and NJPBA Local 105 President William Sullivan.


By Sarah Roebuck

TRENTON, N.J. — A man who is an autism advocate and law enforcement supporter paid a special visit to the New Jersey Department of Corrections headquarters.

Alex Mann has made it his mission to visit as many police departments as he can, with a goal of meeting with 500 departments, NJDOC said in a news release. During his 424th visit, he went to the NJDOC headquarters, marking the first time he had visited a corrections agency.

Mann, who lives with autism himself, leverages his visits to champion for those on the autism spectrum. He focuses on promoting effective communication methods for law enforcement when interacting with other individuals who have autism, a news release said.

While touring the facility, Mann had a meeting with Commissioner Victoria L. Kuhn, Esq., who honored him with a challenge coin and other symbols of gratitude. The Special Operations Group (SOG) of NJDOC shared information about their training, provided a tour of their special operations vehicles and arranged a demonstration by their K-9 officers.

“NJDOC staff was proud to host Alex Mann, and to join in his effort to educate and advocate for those on the autism spectrum,” NJDOC said in a news release.