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Poem: An Officer’s Keeper

A correctional nurse details the emotional trauma of assisting an injured officer assaulted by an inmate and then having to treat the inmates involved too


“Officer down, officer down, are words I can’t forget.”


Calling all poets! CorrectionsOne’s poetry column highlights some of the inspirational, moving and funny poems authored by our readers.

This month’s poem is by Katy Eckstrom, a correctional nurse for seven years, whose husband is a correctional officer. The poem was written about the sense of safety that is lost after an assault of a correctional officer.

“As a nurse, we helped the officer and after that, I assisted the inmates involved,” said Katy. “As a nurse, it is my job, as a person I was heartbroken for this officer. Nurses are also behind the walls and there are some good ones who support the officers in need like they’re family.”

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An Officer’s Keeper

A plan unraveled and strategically set,
Officer down, officer down, are words I can’t forget.

An injured officer and we all rallied around him,
With our spirits low and sense of security grim.

Thinking of his wife and kids, but we are his keepers for now,
A respected and fair officer, just why and how?

To assist the inmates after the assault they conspired to plan,
Is no easy task, but a correctional nurse can.

We are the safe keepers of the officer and an ally first responder,
Our sense of safety changed and things were not how they were.

Officers will remain, their names change over time, but their diligence to service all align,
Keepers of the officers in time of need too, we will be there holding the thin silver line.