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Corrections Poetry

Corrections Poetry explores the creative expressions of those within the correctional system, offering a unique perspective on life behind bars. This directory features poems written by inmates, corrections officers, and others connected to the world of corrections. These works provide insight into the emotions, experiences, and reflections of those living and working in correctional facilities.

After 14 years working day shift, a correctional officer details what it takes to survive the night shift
A new correctional officer writes about the sense of welcoming felt from fellow COs
Some days it can be hard to shake the demons from your head
When a brother or sister in corrections needs backup, there’s no hesitation to respond
Emotional trauma impacts correctional officers every day
In honor of the women and men of corrections who tirelessly work in law enforcement unseen by the public
A retired officer details how your brothers and sisters in corrections are always there in your time of need
Forced overtime and a large inmate population creates a dangerous environment
Never think you are alone to deal with the stress of working in corrections – your fellow officers are there to catch you if you fall
A veteran correctional officer answers the question he receives most from family and friends: Why do you work in corrections?
A correctional nurse details the emotional trauma of assisting an injured officer assaulted by an inmate and then having to treat the inmates involved too
A new CO uses poetry to explain to her friends and family what it is like to walk a mile in the footsteps of a correctional officer
Are we doing enough in corrections to create a welcoming and supportive environment for new staff members?
Correctional officers often find themselves alone and isolated while performing a very dangerous job
This poem details the stresses and dangers correctional officers face every day they serve the public
“Why can’t inmates break the cycle of recidivism?” asks a veteran correctional officer
A correctional officer’s wife details the sacrifices CO families make in this moving poem
A correctional officer provides an insight into the life of a correctional officer and the challenges of working in corrections
In celebration of the many men and women who dedicate their lives to keeping the public safe