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Non-toxic decontaminant eradicates fentanyl and xylazine in 60 seconds

SoRite DECON.png

Photo courtesy of Aseptic Health

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A Nashville company has developed a ready-to-use product that can destroy most opioids and narcotics in 60 seconds. In our world as first responders, seconds count and having a product that works as quickly as possible in one step, allows for us to spend more time focused on our patient and the care we provide.

Autumn Ryan is the Founder and CEO of Aseptic Health, the company that produced SoRite® DECON for use in the public safety field. According to Ryan, “We had been approached by first responders and a Co-Op in California reiterating an urgent need for a commodity that would eradicate fentanyl. After two years of research and development, and thorough testing by an accredited 3rd party FDA and DEA laboratory. SoRite DECON is proven to destroy fentanyl, xylazine, and heroin in 60 seconds”.

Fentanyl and xylazine

Fentanyl has been plaguing our streets for years. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is the leading cause of death for persons between the ages of 18-45. It is a highly addictive synthetic opioid, that is grossly more powerful than heroin, and accounts for over two thirds of the drug overdose related deaths in the U.S. It is so powerful, a mere two milligram dose, can be lethal.

According to Dr. Dawn Love, Veterinarian, and owner of North Orange Veterinary Clinic, in Fallbrook, California, “Xylazine, also known as Tranq, or the zombie drug, is a non-opioid tranquilizer that is not approved for human consumption. It is commonly used in Vvterinary medicine to help aid in sedation, anesthesia, muscle relaxation, and analgesia for animals such as cattle and horses”.

In humans, xylazine can act as a depressant to the central nervous system. This can cause the heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure to decrease in alarming rates, possibly inducing a life-threatening overdose. When mixed with fentanyl, xylazine lengthens its euphoric effects.

Why SoRite DECON?

Ryan explains why SoRite DECON is the most effective and efficient product to combat these killer drugs, “Our proprietary and patent pending formula, highlighted by sodium chlorite, oxidizes, and destroys fentanyl, xylazine and heroin. Several chemical groups in fentanyl, xylazine and heroin, especially the carbon linked oxygens and nitrogens, are highly susceptible to oxidation which cleaves and destroys fentanyl, xylazine and heroin at those locations.”

SoRite DECON is comprised of sodium chlorite, the primary active ingredient, and a proprietary blend of chemicals. The effectiveness of SoRite DECON stems from the potent oxidizing ability of sodium chlorite, the primary active ingredient, as well as an effective proprietary blend of other ingredients that comprises the rest of the formula. Decontaminants rely on oxidizing agents to degrade opioids and other narcotics, such as fentanyl, xylazine, or heroin. The oxidizing agent in SoRite DECON is much more potent than the oxidizing agents used in other well-known decontaminant products.

SoRite DECON is non-reactive and non-caustic with a pH of 9.2. It was tested at a registered 3rd party Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) laboratory. All results are completed by H1NMR analysis. SoRite DECON is made with non-toxic by-products and is non-flammable allowing for decontamination of most threats on personal protective equipment (PPE), sensitive equipment, and critical infrastructure. It also scored a category of 4 on toxicity tests, that included ingestion, inhalation, and skin irritation. A 4 rating in this test, puts SoRite DECON in the same category as water.

SoRite DECON and first responders

To ensure law enforcement the best possible case in a court of law, it is recommended in any environment where fentanyl and/or xylazine are suspected to be present, the officer/responder should first remove a small sample for evidence that the substance was present. Then proceed with using SoRite DECON as directed on the back of the bottle.

SoRite DECON is ready to use straight from the container. It does not have a strong odor and can work to eliminate heavy odors. It is chlorine and alcohol free, and is safe to use on vinyl and rubber, making it great for cleaning equipment and vehicles after calls.

Aseptic Health created Drug Aid Kits (DAK) that feature SoRite DECON and other critical items for use when facing an emergency in the field. The DAK is available for custom order. SoRite DECON wipes have also been developed and will be ready for distribution in Fall 2023.

First responders have the potential to care for patients with a suspected illicit drug overdose. This puts those responders at risk for an encounter with illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia on or near the patient. Having SoRite DECON available can help first responders when seconds count.