There is no price tag for the wellness of our first responders, the role each play is vital to the services they provide 365 days a year, 24/7, not only for the community, but for their families and most importantly, themselves.
With wellness of our First Responders at the forefront of leadership in every organization and with an on-going need for more resources, tools, education and experiential learning, we are proud to announce the 3rd Annual First Responder Wellness and Crisis Intervention Conference.
On January 14-15, 2020 the Homeland Security Training Institute at the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, IL, EMS, Firefighters, Dispatch, Correctional Officers and Police Officers can custom fit their needs covering Crisis Intervention, Mental, Physical and Emotional Wellness and hear stories come to life as keynote speakers, Bob Bemis, Retired PA State Trooper, “Walking with the Wounded”, Anthony Espada, Retired Cleveland PD, “Navigating the Mental Firestorms Evil Launched at Me”, and Thomas Brady, Retired Postal Inspector/HSTI Director, “How to Own Your Life When Your Life Isn’t Cooperating”, share their amazing stories. There will be speakers from around the United States, as well as those who are right here in our backyard.
With nearly 30 presenters, you are sure to find many courses that fit your needs, from Improvisation, to FMLA Rights, to Meditation, How to let shit go, Vaping, Managing Your Career, the Asher Model and more.
For a full line up click here: We will take registrations until Monday, January 13th.
For only $95.00 you get 2-days of training, one boxed lunched and information that is priceless. Those traveling far, we are happy to send you information on local hotels.
Register now, pay later. Call 630-942-3723, email Rebecca Bahr at or go to