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Guide: What corrections officials need to know to implement in-prison college programs

In-prison educational programs have been shown to improve both recidivism rates and prison culture; this guide can help admins get started

By Sarah Sinning

A new guide from RAND Corporation aims to help correctional leaders create high-quality, college-level educational programs for inmates.

The toolkit (which can be reviewed and downloaded in full below) is Intended as “a starting point for corrections officials who are considering whether to have a college program within their prison system or who may seek additional information to ensure the success of an existing program.”

In-prison college guide_RAND.png

From “What Corrections Officials Need to Know to Partner with Colleges to Implement College Programs in Prisons”


According to past RAND research, inmates who participated in an educational program while in prison were 13 percentage points less likely to reoffend upon release. Reseachers also estimate that for every $1 spent on such programs, taxpayers save an average of $4 to $5 in three-year reincarceration costs.

Get the guide:

RAND_TLA1253-1 by epraetorian on Scribd