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Mike Cantrell

Correctional Breaching

Host of The Prison Officer Podcast, Mike Cantrell has been in corrections for over 28 years. He has recently retired from the Federal Bureau of Prisons as the Chief of the Office of Emergency Preparedness. He is a firearms, less lethal, breaching and disturbance control instructor and has led special response, disturbance control and canine teams over his career.

He is a correctional consultant specializing in the use of force and physical security. He is a writer, content creator and speaker on leadership and crisis management.

Knowing your audience and what’s relevant to them will create opportunities for delivering useful messages that lead to understanding and application
Corrections officers who learn to communicate with clear thought towards how the message is received are more effective leaders
Corrections Training
The advantages of this handheld, lightweight, refillable launcher make it perfect for every correctional officer’s use of force toolbox
Toby Dorr talks about her path from dog program volunteer to helping convicted murderer John Manard escape from a Lansing, Kansas prison
Buying the right protective face mask is key to ensuring officer safety
Being new in the correctional environment is overwhelming to say the least, but if you remember just a few things, you can shine above the rest
Correctional breachers know hardened prison structures require mechanical tools that are not often used in the residential breaching world
One thing is for sure: as the corrections community becomes better at combating the shrinking problem of contraband, the criminals will be working just as hard to come up with new ways to take advantage of the newest, smallest technology
Correctional breachers have the opportunity to plan ahead and access to a lot of information about construction materials, location of utilities, design standards, previous construction plans, and more
Corrections Training
An effective CERT requires leadership, planning, time and commitment