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Corrections1 Grant Center

Corrections1’s Grants topic section is an online resource page designed to keep Corrections agencies informed of the availability of grants that can be used to fund projects, product purchases and programs to help keep their community safe.

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Folsom State Prison inmates purchased 3,822 boxes of Girl Scout cookies
A federal grant worth $1 million in conjunction with Iron County’s $1 million investment will help fund renovation of the jail, which dates back to 1867
The grant, which is half of the project, will fund emergency call boxes, improve security cameras and add new fencing mesh
Funding for the Inside-Out training program will cover costs for one year
Training sessions in VR teach inmates coping skills before they’re released
Schuylkill County Prison requests $160K for 42 additional wireless access points, switches and cables to improve communication between iPads used by COs
Pathways to Wellness aims to create or expand facilities aimed at treating mental health issues, substance use disorders and trauma
Lancaster Community Corrections expanded the reentry program which includes therapy, substance-abuse treatment, and learning life skills with a $2M federal grant
12 to 14 new cells will be used to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infections, or for any other medical reason requiring an inmate to be isolated
The interactive dashboard provides daily updates and summary information about the current inmate population