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Rusty Ringler

Safety, Security, and Everything in Between

Rusty began his career in 1997 working as a correctional officer at a men’s medium security prison. While working in the prison, he also served as K-9 sergeant, lieutenant and captain. He was a member of the Correctional Emergency Response Team for 15 years and held law enforcement instructor certifications in defensive tactics, chemical agents and firearms. In 2013 he became a full-time academy instructor where he instructed courses in several topics within the field of corrections and law enforcement. In 2019 he moved to his current position where he serves as a Department of Public Safety Bureau Chief. Rusty received his Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Bellevue University and completed graduate work at Fort Hayes State University. Rusty can be contacted by email.

There’s no better time than National Correctional Officers Week to recognize the dedication of correctional personnel working in our nation’s jails and prisons
Those tasked with performing high-risk transports should have a mastery of the basics before being given assignments with an added element of risk
Corrections Training
In the search for effective interdiction practices, prisons and jails are a largely untapped resource
This federal program provides death and educational benefits to individuals involved in crime and juvenile delinquency control or reduction
With shrinking training budgets and staff shortages, online education provides a cost-effective and time-efficient way for facility leaders to deliver CO training
After video captured two captains retreating from an area as a third captain was attacked by inmates, the officers have been suspended. How should they have handled the situation?
One of the most dangerous and feared homemade weapons in corrections is the shank or shiv; here’s how to defend against an attack
As correctional facilities are routinely asked to do more with less, there is a place in every department for our four-legged partners
Inmate transports present several dangers for correctional officers; here are four safety tips to ensure your well-being
Corrections Training
The “big eight” take training and practice to master and are reminders of the challenges associated with working in corrections