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On-Demand Webinar: The growing threat of ransomware attacks on public safety agencies

Preventing ransomware attacks is possible; our expert panelists offer several best practices your agency can follow to help reduce risk and mitigate potential issues

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Public safety leaders have an endless list of risks to mitigate and challenges that keep them awake at night. Unfortunately, today’s leaders must also add another risk and challenge to their growing list: the threat of ransomware attacks.

Recently, departments have been locked out of critical databases for daily operations, had their emails held for ransom and faced intimidation from attackers who threaten to share personnel records on the dark web.

Though every police officer, EMT, paramedic, firefighter and corrections officer should have basic knowledge on ransomware prevention, the primary responsibility lies with chiefs and other department leaders to ensure the department is adequately prepared and defended. This is accomplished by following city and department policies for preventing attacks, and ensuring software and hardware vendors systems are sufficiently protecting department data.

In this on-demand webinar, sponsored by Tyler Technologies, our panelists discuss recent ransomware threats on public safety agencies to help you learn about:

  • The ripple effects of cyberattacks
  • Why agencies are more susceptible to attacks
  • What ransomware attacks look like, and
  • Actions to take to keep your departments safe and prevent attacks.

Meet the panelists

Our panelists have decades of experience in public safety, combined with specialized training in information technology and cybersecurity.

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John Gorman, Sam Greif, Frank Gresh and MK Palmore.

Throughout his 25-year career with the New Jersey State Police, Captain John Gorman (Ret.) assumed increasing levels of accountability via promotion to lead the Division’s statewide cyber and high-tech investigation and response mission. In this role, he oversaw investigations and operations where computers, digital networks, telecommunication devices and other technological instruments were the vehicle or target of criminal acts.

Sam Greif is the Fire Chief of Plano Fire-Rescue. Sam began his career as a paramedic in 1982 and joined the Fort Worth Fire Department as a firefighter in 1985, where he worked his way up through the ranks up to assistant chief. As the Operations Assistant Chief, he was responsible for over 800 uniformed firefighters operating in 42 stations. In June of 2015, Greif was selected as the new Fire Chief for the City of Plano. He currently is the Chairman of the International CAD Consortium and Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Medical City Plano. He also serves on the Terrorism & Homeland Security Committee for the IAFC.

Frank Gresh is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the Emergency Medical Services Authority. In his role as the CIO, Gresh is responsible for all aspects of technology including computer systems, radio systems, clinical technology and both physical and cybersecurity. He has been involved in EMS for over 34 years, starting off his career as an EMT in Pinellas County, Florida. Gresh worked his way through the ranks and served in leadership roles for other ambulance services around the country for several years before arriving at EMSA.

MK Palmore serves as VP, Field CSO (Americas) for Palo Alto Networks. His responsibilities include support of strategic accounts and continuing to provide thought leadership in the cybersecurity arena through both writing and industry-focused speaking engagements. Prior to joining Palo Alto Networks, Palmore served as the Head of the Cyber Security Branch for FBI San Francisco – capping a career of public service spanning 32 years. His leadership and investigative experiences while in the FBI included: cybersecurity, crisis response/management, risk-management advisory services and counter-terrorism investigations.

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