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Slick road thwarts inmate’s escape attempt

The Nevada inmate exited a jail van at an intersection and slipped and slid his way back into custody


The deputy also fell on the slick road and reported pulling a hamstring.

Greg Friese

Elko Daily Free Press

ELKO, Nev. — An Elko County Jail inmate faces an additional charge of escape by a felony prisoner after allegedly attempting a slippery getaway at a downtown traffic light.

Eric M. Cabibi, 24, was originally arrested in August on two felony drug charges. According to a Dec. 17 arrest report, he was taken to Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital for treatment and an Elko County Sheriff’s deputy was in charge of watching over him.

Cabibi was placed in belly chains before the deputy began transporting him back to the jail on Friday evening. When the van reached the intersection of Fifth and Silver streets, Cabibi reportedly exited the van and began running east on Silver.

The deputy chased him, both of them slipping and falling in the process. Cabibi was recaptured about a block away from the escape scene.

The deputy reported pulling a hamstring during the chase.

Cabibi was booked on an additional $20,000 bail.


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