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How to buy contraband detection (eBook)

Download this Corrections1 contraband detection buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation


Contraband is one of the biggest threats to the safety of corrections staff and inmates. When allowed to enter institutions unchecked, contraband can corrupt and weaken the corrections system in the most fundamental way.

Making matters worse is the wide range of options for smuggling contraband into correctional facilities. It can be concealed in items sent to inmates and brought in by family, visitors and staff. This is why corrections facilities insist on searches of items and people on a regular basis, along with inspections of inmate cells.

Unfortunately, the high value of contraband means that criminals are happy to bribe corrections officers and third-party contractors working inside the walls to bring it in. These smugglers are also creative, resorting to drone drops and other innovative methods to bypass security systems.

This is why every institution needs an arsenal of contraband detection equipment and systems to ferret out and foil these efforts. With the right detection tools, corrections officials can attack the contraband problem in multiple ways simultaneously.

This Corrections1 guide looks at:

  • The main kinds of contraband coming into correctional facilities
  • Options for combatting contraband
  • Things to consider before buying contraband detection equipment
  • Questions to ask vendors

To download your free copy of “How to Buy Contraband Detection” Buying Guide from Corrections1, fill out the form at the top of this article.
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