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Report: Calif. prison return offender rate falls

For the fifth year, the rate at which offenders return to state prison continues to fall

By California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation

SACRAMENTO, Calif. The rate at which offenders return to state prison continues to fall, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). CDCR released its latest annual recidivism report today and it shows the total three-year return-to-prison rate for all offenders released during fiscal year 2010-2011 is 44.6 percent, down from 54.3 percent last year.

“Most offenders sent to prison are eventually released, and so rehabilitation is in everyone’s best interest – our staff, the inmates and the community at large,” said CDCR Secretary Scott Kernan. “The latest recidivism rate shows that we’re helping more inmates learn how to live a law-abiding, productive life.”

The rate at which people return to prison has consistently trended downward since fiscal year 2005-2006 when the rate was 67.5 percent. For the first time, more people released in one year stayed out of prison than returned.

Read full story: New Report: California’s Return-to-Prison Rate Falls for the Fifth Straight Year to 44.6 percent