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Video: 5 inmates stabbed during Chicago jail fight

Weapons made from inhalers were recovered after the fight

By Rosemary Regina Sobol
Chicago Tribune

CHICAGO — Five inmates were injured during a Friday afternoon brawl at Cook County Jail, officials said.

“It was brought under control quickly, but we do have five inmates who suffered injuries,” said Cara Smith, a spokeswoman for the jail.

The fight broke out among the “general population” of the supermaximum security division about 1:30 p.m.

Some of the injuries were puncture wounds, said Smith, who added that several weapons were recovered including two that appear to have been made from part of inhalers. Officials were investigating where the weapons came from.

Two people were taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, and three others went to Stroger Hospital, according to Chicago Fire Department Cmdr. Walter Schroeder. All five were listed in serious to critical condition, officials said.

None of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening, Smith said.

Four of the injured inmates were awaiting trial on murder charges while the fifth was in custody on an armed robbery case, Smith said.

At least six ambulances were called to the jail, in the 2800 block of South California Avenue, about 1:45 p.m.

Video surveillance footage of the incident was made available.

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