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Drone crashes into roof of Mich. county jail

Scott Norman has lost drones before in the woods, but never atop a building before

By C1 Staff

CRAWFORD COUNTY, Mich. — The pilot of the drone that crash landed onto the Crawford County jail says the whole thing was an accident.

9&10 News reports that Scott Norman has lost drones before in the woods, but never atop a building before.

Norman said the drone flipped over and began to ascend, where he lost control of it. He thought it landed in the woods, but when he couldn’t find it, he realized it must have landed on top of a building.

That building turned out to be the county jail.

Northern Michigan’s News Leader

The sheriff’s department looked into the incident and ruled it a harmless mistake.

“Once I found out that he was a local and he didn’t have any connections to inmates or any situation at the sheriff’s office – it seemed legitimate,” said Lt. Randy Baerlocher. “We simply retrieved his drone and sent him on his way.”

Norman was in a public access area when he lost control of his drone. Lt. Baerlocher advises that, in the future, civilians should notify the sheriff’s department if they plan to fly a drone in the area.