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Modernizing supervision: New tools for a new environment (white paper)

Many probation and supervision agencies rely on aging technology systems that are difficult for officers to use and don’t provide adequate data for decision-making and measurement of outcomes

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Photo/Tyler Technologies

Content provided by Tyler Technologies


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Photo/Tyler Technologies

Probation officers and other justice supervision staff face growing caseloads whether they are managing probation, parole, diversion, pretrial, community supervision or other programs. At the same time, increasing involvement of community organizations and ongoing calls for equity are unlocking the potential for better outcomes for youth and adults in supervision programs.

Improving outcomes requires agencies to find new ways to manage the entire supervision process, from intake and initial assessments through return to the community. Doing so involves moving from legacy systems and paper-based processes to modern applications that simplify recordkeeping, enhance communications among stakeholders and leverage data to support better decision-making.

This shift can help officers manage growing caseloads and give departments greater insights into what’s working and what’s not – ensuring that fewer individuals fall through the cracks.

Download this free white paper, brought to you by Tyler Technologies, to learn about:

  • Why effective case management is fundamental to improving outcomes.
  • How modern technology can provide easier access to case information for officers and support analytics for management.
  • Two case studies in Nevada and Georgia, detailing how supervision software and case management have made a positive impact for their organizations.

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