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Defensive Tactics

The Defensive Tactics topic helps corrections officers and trainers keep up with the latest methods and ideas being tried across the country for defense against violent inmates.

Download this Corrections1 tactical training buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
On December 7, 2020, Officer Dale Franquet faced a near-deadly encounter with a prisoner committed to carrying out a terror attack
In this eBook, we review key strategies correctional officers can immediately implement to ensure they are running their facility
Your first mission is to ensure you are always aware of your surroundings – even when you are at your own house
Inmates pay close attention to how correctional officers communicate; here are four ways to stay in control
Anthony Gangi sits down with Gary Cornelius and discusses his new book
The count against Kyrie Baum stems from a Feb. 21 attack at a county jail that left 37-year-old Jawara McIntosh with traumatic brain injuries and in a coma
Former nurse’s aide Donald Harvey died Thursday, two days after state troopers say he was found beaten
Donald Harvey, who was serving multiple life sentences, was found beaten in his cell Tuesday afternoon
Charles Morgan allegedly spit and punched a CO and attacked 3 other COs who tried to intervene
Robert Charles Hammock was waiting to be released when he saw Tashka Robert Frank Maret attack a CO
The man had been released from a behavioral health center two hours before the shooting
The officers suffered minor injuries after being exposed to pepper spray
If anyone believes hospital watches are not dangerous just ask an officer who has been attacked and injured while on hospital watch to talk with you about their experiences
Non-flammable OC vapor is designed to primarily affect a person’s respiratory system
Officers responded to reports that inmates had taken a CO hostage
Both sides will cover their own attorney’s fees and costs
The video of the incident had been described by elected officials in recent interviews as ‘disturbing’
Officials said the units where the assaults took place are on lockdown
Prosecutors alleged the men acted up solely to elicit a response from correctional officers
Officials say the incident occurred inside the prison’s housing unit
The inmate continued to shout, as two deputy marshals lifted him out of his chair
An inmate ran up and struck a corrections captain in the back of his head with a large concrete rock before attacking others
Inmates have refused to cooperate with detectives
An absence of cameras has raised questions about how the fight transpired
The incident comes as many prisons are at critical staffing levels
Inmate punches CO after slipping out of handcuffs
Inmate subdued by three other COs, charged with third degree-assault
Jail’s security operations chief says inmate ‘wouldn’t give up’ fighting COs
The inmate’s family attorney said he was having a manic episode after failing to take medication for bipolar disorder
70 inmates were in the dorm at the time, but it was unclear how many were involved in the uprising
COs found cellphones and makeshift weapons after a riot that injured a warden and CO
Because of the incident, authorities canceled Monday evening visitations and programs