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Cold Cases

Cold Cases refer to criminal investigations that have remained unsolved for an extended period, often due to a lack of evidence or leads. This section offers articles that explore the challenges, methodologies, and breakthroughs in re-examining Cold Cases, providing valuable insights for law enforcement and correctional professionals involved in investigative work. Understanding the dynamics of Cold Cases is crucial for those seeking to bring closure to victims and ensure justice is served, even years after a crime has occurred. For related information, see our resources on Forensic Advances and their role in solving long-standing cases.

Each playing card features information about the case and a tip line phone number
Officials will decide Joseph James DeAngelo’s permanent prison destination based on his security, medical, psychiatric and program needs
It was such an unexpected moment that it brought gasps from those in the gallery
State corrections officials said they must make their own evaluation about where and how Joseph DeAngelo can be housed
Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. faces a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole for 13 rape-related charges and 13 murder counts
As part of a deal to avoid the death penalty, he pleaded guilty Monday to 13 murders and admitted dozens of rapes and crimes too old to be prosecuted
The outlaw killed his wife with an ax and was last seen after escaping from jail in 1916
Officials said DNA evidence ties Alexander Christopher Ewing to the slayings
A cold-case unit reexamined evidence and discovered a DNA match between Charles Holifield and evidence in the case
Danny Heinrich was sentenced to 20 years in prison on a child pornography count that let authorities close the books on a mystery that haunted the state for nearly three decades. (AP File Photo)
In return for leading authorities to Jacob’s body and confessing what he had done, Danny Heinrich will not be charged with Jacob’s murder. (Photo/Sherburne County Sheriff via AP)
About 3,000 inmates will receive decks of playing cards featuring information from 52 cold cases that authorities are hoping to get a lead in