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Top 5 stories of 2015 that remind COs to stay vigilant


By C1 Staff

This year included several videos that gave the public a glimpse of what correctional officers see on a daily basis. We rounded up our top five moments of 2015 that remind COs to always stay aware and safe. Tell us your pivotal moments this year in the comments.

5. Inmate withstands TASER, attacks 4 correctional officers

The incident sent one of the officers to the intensive care unit and required facial reconstruction.

4. Inmate punches female deputy in jail booking room

The inmate was arrested for robbing a Rite Aid before attacking the female deputy.

3. 2 teen inmates charged with slashing NYC jail officer’s face

Two teenage inmates have been charged with using a sharp object to slash an officer in the face so severely he required 22 stitches.

2. LA deputy saves inmate who jumped from upper level walkway

She grabbed the inmate’s wrist before he had a chance to let go.

1. Female officer taken hostage for 10 hours in prison library

The officer was left alone in a library after another officer was reassigned to another area in the facility.