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Inmate covered in Neo-Nazi tattoos loses right to an attorney

Court ruled that drastic action is needed after Curtis Allgier threatened his lawyers and acted extremely disruptive

Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah Supreme Court says an inmate who is covered in neo-Nazi tattoos and serving a life sentence for killing a prison guard has lost the right to an attorney after repeatedly threatening his lawyers.

The court ruled Friday that the drastic action is needed after 35-year-old Curtis Allgier threatened his lawyers and acted extremely disruptive.

Allgier has tried to get several court-appointed attorneys removed, filed his own briefs and intimidated lawyers by saying he knows people outside prison.

The high court says he has few issues left to appeal and attorneys have already presented most arguments for him.

Allgier pleaded guilty in 2012 to wrestling a gun from a prison guard five years earlier just before he underwent an MRI scan.

He was spared the death penalty as part of a plea deal.