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DOJ OIG releases report on issues surrounding inmate deaths in federal prisons

The report identifies several operational and managerial deficiencies that created unsafe conditions before and at the time of a number of the deaths


The report found that a combination of recurring policy violations and operational failures contributed to inmate suicides, which accounted for just over half of the 344 inmate deaths reviewed.

Photo/Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General

By Corrections1 Staff

WASHINGTON, DC — A report recently released by the Department of Justice (DOJ) reviews the issues surrounding inmate deaths in Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) institutions.

The DOJ Office of the Inspector General (OIG) evaluated 344 inmate deaths at BOP institutions from FY 2014 through FY 2021 in four categories: suicide, homicide, accident and those resulting from unknown factors. Many of the deaths that occurred under accidental or otherwise unknown circumstances involved drug overdoses.

Suicides comprised the majority of these deaths, with homicides the next most prevalent. The OIG identified several operational and managerial deficiencies that created unsafe conditions prior to and at the time of a number of these deaths.

The OIG’s findings included the following:

Suicide represents a significant risk area for the BOP

The report found that a combination of recurring policy violations and operational failures contributed to inmate suicides, which accounted for just over half of the 344 inmate deaths reviewed. Deficiencies in staff completion of inmate assessments prevented some institutions from adequately addressing inmate suicide risks. There were also potentially inappropriate Mental Health Care Level assignments for some inmates who later died by suicide.

More than half of the inmates who died by suicide were single-celled, or housed in a cell alone, which increases inmate suicide risk. Some institution staff failed to coordinate efforts across departments to provide necessary treatment or follow-up with inmates in distress and did not sufficiently conduct required rounds or counts in over a third of the inmate suicides reviewed.

The BOP was unable to provide evidence that most of its facilities completed required mock suicide drills to prepare staff to respond to potential suicides.

The BOP’s response to medical emergencies was often insufficient

There were significant shortcomings in BOP staff’s emergency responses to nearly half of the inmate deaths reviewed. These shortcomings ranged from a lack of urgency in responding, failure to bring or use appropriate emergency equipment, unclear radio communications, and issues with naloxone administration in opioid overdose cases.

A lack of available information about inmate deaths limits the BOP’s ability to potentially prevent future inmate deaths

The BOP was unable to produce documents required by its own policies in the event of an inmate death for many of the inmate deaths reviewed. It was also found that the BOP requires in-depth After Action Reviews only following inmate suicides but not for inmate homicides or deaths resulting from accidents and unknown factors. The BOP’s ability to fully understand the circumstances that led to inmate deaths and to identify steps that may help prevent future deaths is therefore limited. Further, is was found that, even when the BOP obtains insights on contributing factors and recommendations for improvement following an inmate’s death, the impact of that information is curtailed by the decentralization of the BOP’s processes.

Long-standing operational challenges, such as contraband interdiction, further impair the BOP’s ability to reduce the risk of inmate deaths

Contraband drugs or weapons contributed, or appeared to contribute, to nearly one-third of the inmate deaths reviewed, including 70 inmates who died from drug overdoses. In addition, one or more other long-standing operational challenges ― staffing shortages; an outdated security camera system; staff failure to follow BOP policies and procedures; and an ineffective, untimely staff disciplinary process ― were contributing factors in many of the inmate deaths.

The OIG made 12 recommendations to assist the BOP in addressing risk factors that contribute to inmate deaths. The BOP agreed with all the recommendations.

Nearly a quarter of jail suicides occur within the first 24 hours of incarceration
Soft cells and suicide smocks and medical monitoring cannot substitute for a caring, observant correctional officer