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Officer Safety

The Officer Safety topic page has the specific mission of keeping corrections officers safe through current & quality information, with tips, columnist commentary, and the latest news updates.

The inmate broke the screen glass of the video visitation kiosk located inside an isolation unit and used the glass to assault the CO
As of April 17, 26 death row inmates have been transferred to California Institution for Men following the closure of segregated units at San Quentin and Central California Women’s Facility
In one incident, an inmate bit a deputy so hard that the inmate’s teeth went through two layers of clothing and broke the skin, Sheriff Paul Miyamoto said
The inmate struck the Washington State Penitentiary CO in the face multiple times; while at the hospital, the CO was unable to remember the attack
“Assaulting an officer is never the appropriate action for not receiving a hygiene product in time,” said Louis Viscusi, president of the Suffolk County Correction Officers Association
The inmate grabbed a CO’s holster after attacking him; another CO quickly grabbed her gun and ordered the inmate to drop the weapon
Court Officer Robert Silver was supposed to be attending a celebration of life for his mother and sister on the day he was killed
The planned changes will include new perimeter fencing, security cameras and other components that will improve the entire system
SeaTac federal detention center has 53 officers available to oversee 800 inmates
Don’t ever rely on the “search incident to arrest” by the arresting or transporting officer
The COs were in Minneapolis for a recruiting event when they witnessed the incident, which had also gone over the radio as a call for assistance
The lawsuit references an inspection report detailing a surge in inmate-on-inmate and staff assaults, heightened use of force by officers and an uptick in drugs and contraband in the prison
The 25-year-old prisoner, who was convicted of murder in 2019, headbutted one officer and cut another with a makeshift weapon during the incident
Responses from officers included, “While at Trousdale I feel unsafe at all times,” and, “Correction Officers are working blocks by themselves. We haven’t had partners in over 2 years”