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Video: New Year’s riot over breath test at UK prison

Inmates burned down parts of a UK minimum-security prison after refusing to be breathalyzed

By Drew Johnson
Corrections1 Editor

WEST SUSSEX, UK — Prisoners rioted at Ford Open Prison in Arundel, West Sussex after they were discovered with large amounts of smuggled alcohol and refused to submit to breathalyzer tests, according to a Telegraph report.

The prison, which is categorized as “Category D” – the equiveland of a minimum security work camp in the United States — can be seen burning in the video posted below.

Prisoners at the facility began smashing windows and setting off fire alarms around midnight on New Year’s Eve, according to the Telegraph report. The Prison Officers Association — the UK correctional worker trade union — claimed the prison had been left understaffed, the report said.

It took officers more than 10 hours to regain control of the facility.