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An autopsy concluded that Stephen Todd Booker, 69, who became a published poet while serving on death row, died of acute fentanyl toxicity
The number of those in jail who died from drug or alcohol intoxication increased nearly 400% from 2000 to 2019
Everyone has reason to be concerned as reports of fentanyl exposures and overdoses in correctional facilities are increasing across the country
Addressing misconceptions and safety measures in correctional facilities
In just six years, fentanyl has become the prominent driver of opioid overdose deaths, going from causing about 20% of fatal opioid ODs in 2016 to causing almost all of them — 92% — in 2022
6 people, employed by the Sacramento County Jail’s healthcare contractor, have been arrested for smuggling drugs into the jail
Correctional facilities are on the front lines of the battle against fentanyl, yet they often fall behind in adopting new strategies and technologies to manage the crisis
David A. Johnson III, 20, was jailed in the death of his year-old son who authorities said had ingested fentanyl while in Johnson’s care
Like any other year, it seems there’s just no limit to how far people will go for drugs, wireless devices, the chance to escape, or all of the above
The COs’ work got the man semi-conscious, but he was barely breathing and his lips had turned blue
Corrections officers, our protectors, need your interest, research and compassion just as much as the infamous predators and anonymous inmates they protect us from
Some jails have also increased the availability of Narcan to reverse opioid overdoses
Five inmates and two COs had a suspected fentanyl exposure at an Ohio jail
Two sheriffs who have implemented MAT programs said they opposed the state requiring counties to offer it without paying for it
The deputy was administered Naloxone after collapsing with symptoms of an opioid overdose
Researchers warn that misinformation about unintentional fentanyl exposure can have negative consequences for responders and opioid overdose patients
Here are some tips on what to do when you’re exposed to fentanyl
Download this Corrections1 fentanyl protection and detection products buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
One of the four inmates who overdosed on fentanyl at the correctional center on Thursday night has died
From inmate mental healthcare to officer recruitment and retention, the corrections profession faced many challenges in 2018
The exposure apparently coincided with an inmate requiring treatment for a suspected drug overdose and while a second inmate was being evaluated for a suspected overdose
The BDAS+ from Decon7 provides a tool to help COs reduce potential exposure to infectious diseases and dangerous narcotics like fentanyl
The company joined a bid to stop the use of a sedative for the twice-postponed execution of Scott Raymond Dozier
The drugs include a powerful synthetic opioid that has been blamed for overdoses nationwide
Officials say mail deliveries and visits to inmates have been suspended until further notice