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Juvenile Offenders

The Juvenile Offenders topic page is a resource for corrections staff on dealing with juveniles, with news and information about everything from assaults at juvenile detention centers to juvenile justice reform.

During the escape attempt, 100 staff members were scheduled — the minimum needed to run Los Padrinos — for the shift, but only 40 showed up
The emergency plan will shift a minimum of 200 probation officers to Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall and at least 50 officers to the Barry J. Nidorf Secure Youth Treatment Facility on 90-day rotation
Some of the proposed legislation would make all state prisoners serve 85% of their sentences before they’re eligible for early release as a reward for good behavior
Juveniles currently housed at the country’s largest maximum-security adult prison will be moved to a youth detention facility by late fall
The lawsuit seeks a court order compelling the facility to improve conditions immediately, on the basis of deprivation of their rights under the 14th Amendment
The teen attacked two COs, punching one man repeatedly and strangling a woman, police said
California’s final remaining youth prisons shuttered on June 30, marking an end to a 132-year-old statewide correctional system
The victim, a 52-year-old youth services employee, was stabbed multiple times in his arm, abdomen, shoulder and neck
Stakeholders have blamed a staffing crisis for the deteriorating conditions that led a state board to declare two juvenile halls as “unsuitable” for the confinement of youth
The county could be forced to pay $1.6 billion to $3 billion for “more than 3,000 claims alleging childhood sexual assault at various County and non-County facilities”
The bills also make it possible for anyone sentenced for a serious crime as a child to be given the option of parole after 10 years
Legislation in the state budget would grant the Board of State and Community Corrections the power to shut down juvenile camps and Secure Youth Treatment Facilities
All 3,000 sworn officers in the department, regardless of rank, were ordered to work at least one shift per month in the county’s juvenile halls to help alleviate a staffing crisis
In the wake of a staffing crisis and reports of increased violence and drug use, a state agency report called for Los Angeles County’s juvenile halls to be closed
The DOJ wants a judge to intervene because the county hasn’t complied with a court judgment for two years
Drug drop offs at Barry J. Nidorf Juvenile Hall are so blatant that arrows were spray painted on the fences to indicate where to throw the substances
Guillermo Viera Rosa will join the Los Angeles Probation Department during a time of turmoil
The details came to light after a public health emergency order was issued for the center earlier this week
The order comes days after a top-level employee was fired and a second employee was reassigned following the alleged sexual assault of a child
The juvenile justice bills ended up with bipartisan support, praised by outside observers
Director: “In many cases, conditions were not found to be as described,” but county has “identified some areas for improvement”
A report from a public defender claims youth detainees are living in squalid conditions with limited access to healthcare and education
All the juveniles have been charged with third-degree assault after attacking COs and the Kentucky State Police
Official: “Detention is ineffective. It’s expensive. And it produces even worse conduct. But that’s the first instinct: ‘Lock ‘em up!’”
Another bill is calling for a $500K audit of eight juvenile detention centers
The bill would require youths charged with a serious offense to be evaluated for eligibility in cognitive behavioral therapy or substance abuse treatment
State officials said it’s time to ban the detention of youths who are charged with minor status offenses and Class B misdemeanors
A series of assaults, escapes and riots occurred last year at juvenile justice facilities around the state
Inmates will be allowed access to limited services, including substance use treatment and mental health diagnoses
Two pods were rioting, fighting staff, throwing desks and chairs, and tearing down cameras and light fixtures
Former employees claim meal trays and prescription meds were withheld, as well as reports of physical abuse by staff
“At least eight juveniles escaped after causing a major disturbance inside the facility and were seen roaming the nearby neighborhood,” the sheriff’s office reported
DCFS and Family Services allegedly wrongfully incarcerated children in juvenile detention after a court ordered them to be released to their guardian