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Less Lethal

Less-lethal options are critical tools for correctional officers to manage situations safely without resorting to deadly force. This directory provides articles and resources on the use, training, and effectiveness of less-lethal weapons and techniques, such as tasers, pepper spray, and rubber bullets. Understanding less-lethal options helps ensure that officers can control incidents while minimizing harm to inmates and staff. For further insights, explore our section on Defensive Tactics.

Download this Corrections1 tactical training buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
Download this Corrections1 less lethal product buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
A ticket to Axon Week 2024 gets you access to both TASERCON and Axon Accelerate
The COs were in Minneapolis for a recruiting event when they witnessed the incident, which had also gone over the radio as a call for assistance
SWAT officers, using “less-than-lethal” ammunition, were able to free the 73-year-old guard two hours after he was taken hostage
Gov. Katie Hobbs said executions won’t be carried out until they can be confident that the state isn’t violating constitutional rights
The book is about Richard Van Wickler’s life experiences and includes tips on de-escalating aggression
“For the sake of the victims’ families, many of whom have waited for decades — as many executions as possible are set four weeks apart,” AG John O’Connor said
The advantages of this handheld, lightweight, refillable launcher make it perfect for every correctional officer’s use of force toolbox
The sergeant was taken to a local hospital for evaluation after the incident
Sheriff Charles Lemon and a former deputy now face felony assault charges that could mean up to 20 years in prison
Thirteen staff were suspended in connection with Tyrone Briggs’ 2019 death
The contracts will provide lessons for COs on using less lethal weapons to restrain inmates
Reflex Protect Presidia Gel doesn’t spread once sprayed, and its effects can be easily reversed once compliance is achieved for quicker relief to the subject and a quicker return to duty for the officer
Since the start of the pilot program, TASERs have been used “sparingly and judiciously” to stop serious assaults
The right DEMS can improve the management and sharing of critical evidence, including bodycam video, for more successful investigations
Jamel Floyd barricaded himself inside his Metropolitan Detention Center cell and used a metal object to break the cell-door window
The video shows the struggle between inmates and officers attempting to use a flashbang
After watching riot videos, Kurt Boeker was inspired to create a grenade launcher that shoots projectiles at a safe velocity regardless of the target’s distance
Don’t worry, rookie. You’ll survive
Security officers at the state’s juvenile detention facility say they continue to endure regular assaults as the administration balks at allowing protective tools like pepper spray
County probation officials said they noticed the rising trend last year and have taken steps to offer detention officers extra training in de-escalation techniques
The waiver was granted when several large fights erupted after a new law transferred teen inmates out of Rikers
A state lawmaker and reform groups are pushing to bar officers from carrying pepper spray in juvenile jails in California
The incident is among a stream of violent clashes at the prison since a court order requiring a reduction in the use of pepper spray and solitary confinement
Correctional officers fired 19 bullets from semi-automatic rifles and three hard foam rounds to break up the melee
With a violent ex-con threatening a federal prosecutor, the U.S. Marshals Service is making a rare request to outfit him with a shock belt during his upcoming trial
The bill is aimed at reducing the prison population and chances of criminals re-offending