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Corrections News

Corrections news is essential for the correctional facility workforce, providing up-to-date information on developments, policy changes, and emerging trends in the penitentiary system. This directory offers articles that help staff stay current on issues affecting their work environment, inmate management, and facility operations. Regularly engaging with corrections news ensures personnel are prepared for new challenges and opportunities. For additional insights, explore our section on Correctional Design and Operations Management.

Alabama is one of five states that have joined a program called Reentry 2030 in collaboration with the Council of State Governments Justice Center
The Westmoreland County warden said the preliminary report wrongly claimed the inmate stuffed paper into the lock, misleading COs to think the door was secure
The inmate partially freed himself from his handcuffs and stabbed a Pelican Bay State Prison CO in his head and torso
State prosecutors suggested setting the minimum at no longer than four weeks between executions
In addition to running up the cost to the department, the auditor said the additional OT hours could be “potentially detrimental to the safety of both facility staff and inmates”
The Pitchess Detention Center South Facility inmate reported the incident to jail staff, who discovered that several vehicles had also been struck by bullets
The law was touted by lawmakers as a way to make bail procedure uniform across the state and to limit violent criminals from being released before seeing a judge
To compensate for shortages, prison administrators regularly schedule OT shifts for officers, something the union said makes a dangerous job even more dangerous
The indictment alleges that the mayor of Thomson left a bottle of gin in a ditch along the route of a Jefferson County Correctional Institution prison work crew
The council’s plan “lays out our road map to help transform the lives of people leaving prison and reentering society while making our communities safe,” the governor said
The Brown County Jail Garden was made possible by the support of the Green Bay Packers Give Back program
“Daughters,” filmed over eight years, features inmates who participated in a unique fatherhood program that prepared them for the emotional toll of a Daddy Daughter Dance
Drones were used to drop marijuana, meth and contraband phones into the yards at Smith State Prison, Telfair State Prison and others over a five-year period beginning in 2019
Cadet Michelle Strube, 46, died during a routine pre-service training at the Robertson Unit Training Center
A 2017 lawsuit led to a consent decree banning punitive confinement and the use of pepper spray at Lincoln Hills-Copper Lake Schools
Live in-person special topics workshops for first responders, family members, and first responder clinicians
Replacing these common cleaning tools can make a huge difference
App-based technologies can help improve facility operations and safety to the benefit of both staff and inmates
Save on duty gear, Faraday bags, tactical clothing, command post equipment and more during the last long weekend of the summer