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Social Media

An arbitrator ruled that Anthony Marlak’s termination was an excessive response by the state Department of Correction
Dr. James Uhrig filed a claim with the city alleging the ban violated his free speech rights
Michigan DOC officials are investigating how two inmates obtained cellphones and posted a video filmed in their cell to YouTube
The challenge has drawn scrutiny to some government employees who’ve allegedly made insensitive remarks
Having a clearly defined policy in place may save correctional officer careers
Daryoush Taha sued the Bucks County jail after his mug shot and arrest information were included in 2011, when a website was created to let people look up inmates
The state’s lawyer said the law deals with the virtual world in the same way that states keep sex offenders out of playgrounds and other places children visit
Anthony Gangi and co-host Nicholas Kane sit down with guest Matthew Gallup to discuss the benefits and liabilities of social media
Know your legal options when hate speech or threats are posted on your social feeds
Levi Charles Reardon of Great Falls was arrested on April 24
Cellmates of the inmate contacted his girlfriend, threatened to harm him if she didn’t send money
Richard “Rick” Pilarski Jr. resigned Saturday after he acknowledged the Facebook exchange with family and friends in which he threatened to shoot gays
Maine man who’d been wanted by police for several weeks made a couple of critical mistakes that led to his capture
Court determined that Abdulaziz al-Mutairi had insulted the country’s hereditary emir in comments made on the social media platform
Authorities say Eddie Smith’s Facebook page on Jan. 20 boasted of having 16 warrants out for his arrest
Made claims he was in Florida, authorities aren’t sure if he was trying to throw them off the trail
Social media engages public and encourages them to assist law enforcement by providing locations of fugitives with outstanding warrants
Appeared to copy a mug shot of a woman accused of shoplifting $144 in eye shadow
Sure, the First Amendment gives you the right to say whatever you want, but does that mean you should? Remember, everyone is watching
It has been two weeks since Ontario, Oregon, resident Nicholas Grove escaped from the Payette County Jail
The Marion County Sheriff’s Department is finding social media to be another tool they can use in the search for missing sex offenders
Nicolas Grove escaped the morning of Aug. 26, and even though he is making status updates on a page linked to him, authorities say there’s no way to track his location
The more Facebook knows about you, the more valuable it is, so they don’t do much to make it easy to manage and protect your privacy — so, we offer the following simple steps you can take
The more Facebook knows about you, the more valuable it is, so they don’t do much to make it easy to manage and protect your privacy — so, we offer the following simple steps you can take
Probation officer told him to not open the social media account, but he did so anyway
Supreme Court may be deciding if you can go to jail for a violent or threatening social media post
22-year-old woman was on probation for drunken driving, social media post gets her in trouble
He says Facebook was a right they lost when they were convicted of their crimes